About six - nine months ago THE HOLY SPIRIT kept on saying to me "You Now Know what Pastor's go through because you have People in Your Own House whom You Feed and are Trying to Turn You over to the Authorities." People in Your House of Worship/Congregation they are in Your "House" and you feed them with The WORD of GOD and yet they are still trying to Kill You as You are trying to Pour Life into them per the Instructions of THE HOLY SPIRIT.
I'm hearing Leaders talking about how it is that "They don't have Anyone they can Trust or Anyone they can Talk to."
Leaders here is Something that is Often Forgotten; and Some May Say "You've Never Walked a Mile in My Shoe" and I'll Say that You are Absolutely Correct and that I am Glad that I haven't.
HE Said "Come Unto Me, all Ye that Labor and are Heavy Laden, and I will Give You Rest." "Take My Yoke My Yoke Upon You, and Learn of Me; for I am Meek and Lowly in Heart; and Ye Shall Find Rest Unto Your Souls." "For My Yoke is Easy, and My Burden is Light." Matthew 11:28-30.
I Ask the Question in My Urban Vernacular "Whatchu Doing"? Any Burden that HE has Given You is Light in Comparison to HIS Cross and Resurrection. You/We have taken on Responsibilities that GOD has Never Called Us to Take.
"Stop Taking People's 'Personal Walk' with JESUS CHRIST So Personal." Feed them and let GOD'S WORD do the Work. "For THE WORD of GOD is Quick, and Powerful, and Sharper than Any Twoedged Sword, Piercing even to the Dividing Asunder of Soul and Spirit, and of the Joints and Marrow and is a Discerner of the Thoughts and Intents of the Heart"
Hebrews 4:12
You Say I Can't Trust Anyone" and Probably So. Pray and Ask GOD to send ....Wait, Wait, Wait a Minute. HE just Said, "HIS Word tells us that HE WILL SEND Us A COMFORTER..." John 14:16- "And I will Pray The Father and HE Shall Give You another Comforter, that HE May Abide with You Forever.
vs. 8 I will NOT Leave You Comfortless. I will Come to You.
vs. 19 - The last Sentence "...because I Live, Ye Shall Live Also."
vs. 27 Peace I Leave with You, My Peace I Give unto You; Not as the World Giveth Give I unto You. Let Not Your Heart be Troubled, Neither let it be Afraid.
Because You/We/I Love HIM We Will Keep HIS Commandments.
One of Our Problems Leaders is that You have Left Your Place and have Tried to Step in to the Place of GOD trying to Fill HIS Shoes and HE'S Never Ever Once Advertised for any Opening Position.
You/We have Tried and Failed Miserably in Attempting to become or be Like JESUS to the People.
That is NOT what HE has Called You/We/Us to do.
Yep; Nope I've Never Married Your Wed and or Buried Your Dead. I haven't Sat with Your Grieving Members but I too have Buried My Mother as an Only Child with Help from her Sister in England and her Brother in Canada. Yes, I have Buried My First Husband who Died 18 Months after My Mother. My First Husband Died at the Age of 38YOA in My Arms at Home after having been His Caretaker for Years after being Diagnosed with Lupus, Diabetes, Double Kidney Failure, Heart Attack x 2, Pacemaker/Defibrillator and Dialysis Three Times a Week. This was Accomplished All by and Through The Power of THE HOLY SPIRIT as I Continued to Work Full-time on the Third Shift while Continuing Motherhood of Two Without Any Respite and Yes while Under Full Onslaught from the Enemy Within and Without.
So, No, Yes You are Right I Don't Understand.
When You/We/I Preach The WORD of GOD and Believe People Get Saved, Delivered and Healed by The POWER of THE HOLY GHOST Working Through You. Don't Get Puffed Up. Don't Delight Yourselves in their Accolades. Count it a Privilege and Honor to be Trusted by GOD to be Used of GOD to Deliver HIS People.
Remembering but NOT being Paranoid. Remember on Palm Sunday...John 12 vs 12
"They Cried Hosanna Blessed is The King of Israel that Cometh in The Name of The LORD".
Today they Cried Hosanna but Yet there was a Plot to Kill JESUS CHRIST because of HIS Popularity. Remembering that Your Popularity in Heaven and Amongst the People of GOD will Set You Up to be Killed. Continue to Call on The Name of JESUS CHRIST in the Synagogue/Churches; Don't be Like the "Pharisees who Loved The Praises of Men more than the Praise of GOD".
Be Careful that Your Popularity Amongst Your Peers is NOT Taking Precedent Over the Approval of GOD.
Today they Worship You Saying "Hosanna" Tomorrow they are Crucifying You because You Said Something that they Disagreed with.
Have You Leaders/Me Begin to Love the Praises of Men than The Praise of GOD?
So, Some of it Begins with Some have Lost Focus as to Whom Called them.
1st Thessalonians 5:24: "Faithful is HE that Calleth You, who also will Do it." HE has Called You So therefore HE will Do it....HE will Keep You...but You/We/Our Minds Must Remain on HIM and HE will Keep Us in Peace Perfect Peace.
HE Called You So therefore HE will do It.
HE is: "GOD is Not a Man, that HE should Lie; Neither the Son of Man, that HE should Repent; Hath HE Said, and Shall HE Not do it? or Hath HE Spoken, and Shall HE Not Make it Good? Numbers 23:19.
"Then Said The LORD unto me, Thou Hast well Seen: for I will Hasten My Word to Perform it." Jeremiah 1:12 HE Watches Over HIS Word to Perform it; So therefore Leaders Give The People of GOD HIS Word. Anything Outside of HIS Word HE is Not Obligated to do!
Remember Leaders You too are in Need of a Savior as are Your Congregants. You are Not Savior of the People but JESUS CHRIST is!