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👀🔥🔥#LetThisSitRightHere! #HISWordNotMine!💯‼ #HISWordConfirmsItself🔥‼ #ClankClank💯 1 THOUGH I speak with the tongues of men and of...

Thanking GOD for FRIDAY June 4, 2021

Thanking GOD for Allowing Us to Be "...With One Accord..." on this Past Friday Night June 4, 2021@12Midnight. It was Amazing‼...

Abuse is NOT Allowed💯

A Mandate From GOD: PSA: It is NOT Written Anywhere in THE WORD of GOD where ABUSE of Any Kind is Allowed💯. It Matters NOT what Our...

Come and Join Us

Join Us: June 4, 2021 @12Midnight CST/1am EST Prayer Line (351) 999-4327 or join us via

Hello Everyone

Hello Everyone 😁 Just Wanted to Share with You All that along with Our Email address of has...

I Want to be More Like CHRIST!

As I begin to think what and how can I further elaborate on becoming more like CHRIST this is the first scripture that comes to my mind. ...

This is Who HE came for!

"When JESUS heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call...

Blog: Blog2
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